Read about the creator of Tinnitus Free Living, Paul Tobey, in the journal of the American Tinnitus Association. Click here to read it.
3 Ways the Tinnitus Free Living Program Can Help You
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"Tinnitus Free Living is not the only solution, but it is one of the best."
Your tinnitus, in my experience, is the symptom of a larger problem. Your brain has miss-fired in the auditory center because of an external or internal conflict. But, that conflict can be resolved and your auditory center can be rebooted. How is this possible? Have you heard of something called "pain transference therapy?" In essence this means that with a small amount of focused effort over time, you can literally move your tinnitus out of the auditory center. Sounds a little crazy I know, but pain transference therapy is a proven science. You can read more about that here.
I've used these types of therapies to rid my body of all kinds of pain, not the least of which is tinnitus. And, I'm confident that if you are able to complete a consistent set of non-physical exercises on a daily basis over an extended period of time, you will get better. All you need, is the proper guidance. There are no drugs, no side effects and your commitment to the process is every day for a maximum of 20 minutes. Along with those exercises, you will be given guidance on other things that you can do to focus your energy throughout the day. Energy is everything and learning to focus it is the key to success.
"Paul, as much as it pains me to not seek an instant cure, that doesn’t appear to exist anyway, I know your advice is the right path. Your voice resonates more clearly with me than any other I have found so far. Especially with regards to stress and anxiety, something I have had all my life.”

Scott Cadillac - USA
"Paul you have made me feel empowered. You have given me something that all the money in the whole world could not buy, hope and inspiration. I want you to know i think you have changed my life."

Sophie Dave - Australia
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