Tinnitus Is Making Headlines Around the World

On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the worst), go ahead and rate your tinnitus. If you rated your tinnitus a 5 and up, it is most likely interfering with your happiness, your life, and your well being.

If you suffer from tinnitus enough to seek out medical attention, you are not alone. Tinnitus sufferers are on the rise with tinnitus making daily headlines throughout the world.

Noise induced tinnitus seems to be the one making the most headlines with expressed concern over how music pods and other music devises promoting “loud noise” can be contributing to the growing problem. However, there still seems to be a real lack of awareness out there about the dangers of noised induced hearing loss and tinnitus.

You don’t have to look far to find evidence of that. Just walk into your nearest movie theatre and feel the noise decibels go through your body. The audio levels are so unnecessarily loud that I would qualify the loud noise exposure as noise pollution!

I actually wear ear plugs when I go see movies. Now I realize that most people don’t have a problem with the volume. Well, at least not until they wake up with ringing in the ears that won’t go away.

Even though I am a huge advocate of live music, I’m still dismayed at the concert goers that stand beside the festival speakers. There are no warning signs that indicate “danger, close a proximity to these devices may cause hearing loss or tinnitus”. Maybe there should be a law that obliges festivals, clubs, and venue owners to promote awareness against temporary or permanent hearing loss and tinnitus caused by exposure to loud noise.

There is no cure for tinnitus. And most insurance companies still do not recognize tinnitus as a debilitating condition thus will not cover medical expenses or loss of income caused by chronic suffering. However, tinnitus can be severe enough for a high percentage of people to seek medical attention.

As most tinnitus sufferers will tell you, it is a long road ahead for a patient to find relief from tinnitus symptoms. Finding relief can be an expensive journey with a tinnitus patient spending anywhere from $100/month on anti-depressants to $2500 for tinnitus retraining therapy. In many cases, patients will spend thousands more on anyone or anything that will give them promise of relief.

There has been consistent research both in the medical and scientific fields for a cure. However, I wonder how hard it is for these researchers to compete for research dollars in the face of other epidemics like bird flu, aids, and rising cancer rates. In addition, I wonder how many people must suffer from tinnitus before the pharmaceuticals spend large budgets on research. A search on Google will tell you millions are already suffering from tinnitus, and this is a real medical problem that is global.

But the biggest question remains, why are we not doing more to create awareness about noise induced tinnitus? We are a socially responsible society. We properly label cigarettes, trans-fat products, age-appropriate toys, movies, games and dangerous goods.

It seems to me that the next socially responsible thing to do is invite certain manufacturers and entertainment producers to put warning labels on noise producing products and events that give clear warnings such as “danger – loud noise exposure can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss and tinnitus”.

Exactly how long will the insurance companies, manufacturers, entertainment producers and government officials try to ignore a multi-million person problem? Exactly how long will it be before this collective pool of millions of people get together to affect corporate change and ask for warning labels on loud noise producing products? How long will it be before the insurance companies recognize tinnitus as a medical issue? How long will it be before the message goes out loud and clear.

Tinnitus and Botox and Other Common Questions

The following is a list of the most common questions and some brief answers about tinnitus. This includes more recent questions about tinnitus and Botox, ASA and other home remedies.

Does ASA (aspirin) cause ringing in the ears?

Some side effects from taking acetaminophen, aspirin, ASA and/or caffeine can include ringing in the ears. Do not take acetaminophen; aspirin, ASA; caffeine with other non-prescription medicines, especially cold and allergy medicines, without consulting your family physician.

Can an ear wash cause tinnitus?

Never stick a cue tip in your ears. Before considering an ear wash, wax removal, or ear candling you must understand the many risks of inner ear damage including infections, perforation and/or damaging the little tiny hairs that help sound. Please consult an ears, nose, and throat specialist before inserting anything in your ears.

Are there home remedies for ringing in ears?

I’m a skeptic. In search of my own tinnitus cure, I put my body to the test and tried multiple home remedies. None worked. There are many claims on the internet about home remedies, but I have yet have found one that has scientific evidence to back up its claims. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Again, consult your family physician before investing in herbal remedies, acupuncture, hypnosis, message therapy, ear candling, etc. When it comes to herbal remedies, there may be some drugs in there that conflict with your current medications. For example, a common trend is to try Gingko Biloba which has some benefits for the right use.

However, patients with blood circulation disorders or patients that use blood thinners should immediately consult their doctor prior to using Gingko. Having said this, I’ve never seen any conclusive evidence that Gingko helps tinnitus.
Can the use of a cell phone cause tinnitus?

About two months ago, a woman called my home terrified that she contracted permanent tinnitus and was convinced it was caused by her high mobile usage. So I did a bit of research. In 2003, a study by Leif Salford and colleagues at Lund University Hospital in Lund, Sweden was published that showed microwave radiation emitted from mobile phones caused damage to the brains of laboratory rats.

The study attached cell phones to the cages of rats and varied the intensity of radiation to reflect the range of exposures a human cell phone user might experience over the same time period. They exposed the rats to this radiation for two hours. Fifty days after the one-time, two-hour exposure, the rats’ brains showed significant blood vessel leakage as well as areas of shrunken, damaged neurons.

The higher the radiation exposure, the more damage was apparent. This study was not tinnitus specific. However, enough was said to convince me to keep my phone on speaker mode.

What else should you do if you have tinnitus?

If you can’t sleep at night because of your tinnitus, and you experience intermittent ringing in ears, or permanent ringing ears, and you are wondering how to stop ringing in your ears then I would highly recommend that you start your research with the American Tinnitus Association.

It is a great place to learn about what is tinnitus, tinnitus research, tinnitus relief, tinnitus remedy, ringing ears, tinnitus masker, cause of tinnitus, dizziness due to ringing in ears, muscular tinnitus, brain tumors and tinnitus, tinnitus treatment options, noised induce hearing loss and much more!

Paul Tobey is a professional motivational speaker who has performed many seminars for ringing ears sufferers and is author of Tinnitus Free Living a Tinnitus Handbook Self Help Guide which helps people reduce their tinnitus volume.

The Root of Ear Problems in Adults

If you have tinnitus, you probably contracted it in one of three ways; you were exposed to loud noise, you lost or are beginning to lose your hearing, or you simply have no idea what caused it.

I can only assume that the fine print that said “may cause ringing in the ears” on the over-the-counter medication I took for the flu caused my tinnitus. Or did it?

I’ve been observing my own tinnitus for a several years now. My tinnitus first appeared when coincidentally I had a lot of problems that controlled my life. I had money problems, work problems, relationship problems etc. Problems consumed me. I wasn’t conscious of this but in hindsight I can tell you that I lived, breathed, and attracted problems.

However, once I realize this it didn’t take me long to surmise that many other tinnitus sufferers had lots of problems as well.

Here are just some of the problems that I came across from tinnitus patients; bladder problems, teenage love problems, marriage, problems with mental health, problems with reality tv, female health problems, ipod problems, math problems, sex problems, car problems, plumbing problems, marital problems, water heater problems, colon problems, thyroid problems, problem teenagers, child behavior problems, knee problems, stomach problems, sinus problems, foot problems, eye problems, heart problems, bill collector problems, office problems, problem children, phone problems, Wii problems, computer problems, and so on!

Drama, drama, drama!

Get the point? Did you ever notice that the amount of energy you give your problems is directly proportional to how much you suffer from Tinnitus? I know, you will say things like, “But I can’t make my problems go away with the snap of my fingers, what exactly do you want me to do about it?”

I want you to stop giving energy to your drama. Once I stopped focusing on my life’s drama, I actually began to start healing my tinnitus. Life got so much better, so much easier, to the point that I now enjoy life so much. Life seems effortless and I feel like I’m flowing with the current instead of against it.

So you say “okay, I’ll give it a shot. Where do I start?”

You must first examine your immediate circle of influence. Is there dead weight around you? These are people who suck you dry of your positive energy and they are easy to identify. These are the people who constantly complain about everything. Who needs their drama? You have enough of your own!

If you ask them to stop complaining around you and they don’t stop, then you must distance yourself from them. You need all your energy to heal and that means surrounding yourself with people of like energy – quality people that affect you in positive ways. Simply identify and stay away from people who infect you with their negativity.

Once you’ve cleaned up your immediate circle of influence, you need to clean up your own script. Constantly monitor your thoughts for any negative emotion. If you are thinking anything negative you must quickly shift your mind to a positive feeling. Reach for the highest thought in the moment and stay with it for as long as you can.

To help you do this, I suggest you buy a frame that fits 4 or 5 pictures. Find the pictures of the happiest moments in your life such as; how you first felt when your toes touched the warm sand on a family trip, or your baby’s first smile when he/she came out of the womb.

I want you to choose the pictures that remind you of the very best feelings in your life. Find a prominent spot for them in your home and look at it everyday. Make one for your office if you need to. Then, when you need to shift your attention away from negativity, focus on the photos and the positive thoughts that come with it.

The root of tinnitus problems in adults is and has always been how your body is experiencing your problems. It would be naïve to think that all those poisonous problems that turn your negative thoughts into energy are not doing damage to your body. For some people, the drama even turns into toxic poisons that manifests into more deadly illnesses. For that I say, “thank you I only have tinnitus.”

If you suspect your drama is toxic for your body, you need to turn over a new leaf today. Start by cleaning up your immediate circle of influence, and take some action toward surrounding yourself with people that don’t complain or make your life even more toxic.

Then, turn your attention to the things in your life that have brought you great joy. If you don’t have a picture, frame a symbol of that joy. Focus on what you do love, and what you truly desire in your life, and the toxic behavior that fuels your tinnitus will subside.

It happened for me. It can happen for you too.

Fast Track Your Tinnitus Relief

Many people write me and ask what they can do now to fix their tinnitus. While that may seem like an unreasonable expectation, to expect immediate relief, I do believe there are simple rules to follow that can achieve this goal.

Having had tinnitus since 1999 I’ve had the great opportunity of learning from many people on how to change my life situation. Obviously tinnitus is part of that life situation and certainly not that best part of my life I can assure that.

But, I did learn a great deal and I’d like to share those observations with you now.

First, I had to come to the realization that tinnitus was not just going to disappear overnight. As much as I hoped, wished, begged and rationalized, it just wasn’t in the cards. Therefore how could I learn to alleviate the symptoms and function as a normal human being?

So, the first step is the realization that I had to change something else because of course the tinnitus seemed virtually unfixable. So what could I change? Me, of course! I had to change my reaction to tinnitus. I had to change the way I looked at it and thought about it. While this may seem like a simple task, nothing could be further from the truth. It required constant moment to moment monitoring of my thoughts.

For example, what was I thinking at any given moment? Was I focused on the tinnitus and the pain it gave me or was I focused on what I wanted to have happen in my life? If you want to know how to do this here’s a little exercise.

Pick 2 random times in any 24 hour period such as 1pm and 7pm and set your cell phone alarm to go off. Then, when it does, ask yourself this question; “What am I focused on right now?” So, if your mind had gone back into fear and worry and the pain of tinnitus then you know you still have some work to do.

Next, once you realize that you are focusing your energy in the wrong direction, simply make it the last time you will think that thought. Train yourself to do this immediately. Don’t wait. If you allow your mind to take you where it wants to go then you are its slave. You must stop that.

What should you do instead, if indeed you find you are focused on tinnitus and its negative effects? Don’t try to change or fix the thought, move your attention to something else. Again, do this immediately. If you have to get up and move, or take yourself to a new location or start a new task then do it.

Make sure that when you shift your focus you shift it to what it is your truly want to do. Don’t change the though for another negative thought, that’s not the point. Move beyond your mind’s negative control and take yourself out of the situation and adopt a new one.

Then of course you say to yourself, “well, what am I supposed to move my attention to?” That’s a valid question and here’s the answer. Move your focus to something you love. If you don’t love anything then you’ve got problems way deeper than can be handled in this article. Sorry, but it’s true.

But, for most of you I’m sure you can find something to do that you love to do. Some people like walking, others enjoy Starbucks, others like to read, others like to listen to music, others like to ski…and the list goes on and on.

In short, the 3 steps for stopping tinnitus dead in its tracks are this; 1. Simply notice that you are under its control, 2. Decide to make this the last time that you allow that to happen and 3. Switch your focus of attention to something you love.

For me, the hardest part was the second step; deciding to make this the last time I thought that thought. But, based on my experience it gets easier with practice. And, believe me; knowing what you want can go a long way to help you to rid yourself of what it is you don’t want.

The Quickest Path to Healing Your Tinnitus

There are few things in life that feel as good as someone thanking you for helping them.

Recently I spoke at a music teachers conference about the effects of tinnitus in a life in music. In fact, as I write this, I’m on a plane over the mid-west United States on my way home from that very conference.

The third morning of my stay I was having breakfast on the patio of the hotel restaurant. As I started eating, I spotted a lady coming towards me with what can only be described as focused determination. She had heard about my seminar the previous day from some friends of hers and had spent all afternoon evening and morning trying to track me down.

She was very excited and breathing rapidly when she came right up to me and said, “Paul, I’m so happy I finally found you.” She went on to say how sorry she was that she missed the seminar but how grateful she felt to actually speak to me in private. I’ve had this happen to me many times before so I knew I was about to do some serious soul work.

I invited her to sit down while I finished eating and tell me her story. I was anticipating a sad story because, hardly anyone who tracks me down wants to tell me how great their life is. Anyway, as I suspected she was in turmoil. She was losing her sight due to a rare disease and wanted to get my advice on how to cure it.

I explained that I have no experience in healing ailments such as this and that I was not a licensed doctor or miracle healer. She understood that but still wanted to know what I would suggest for her particular situation.

So, after listening intently to her story and the intricate details of how she felt she had arrived at this point in her life, I started with the same question I ask everyone. “What is it that you truly want?”

She replied quickly with the answer I fully expected, “I don’t want to lose my sight.”

And, just as I do when I coach tinnitus patients I shot back, “I didn’t ask you want you don’t want, I asked you what you do want.” “What’s the difference?” she asked.

“There’s a big difference,” I said. “In fact, knowing what you don’t want and focusing on what you don’t want is a certain recipe for blindness.” I could see by the look on her face that she did not really see how this was possible.

But, as I’ve stated many times before, focusing on a problem and trying to fix it, with the same mind that created the problem, will not work, ever!

Over the next hour and a half I did my very best to give her the benefit of my experience. We talked about the law of attraction and how the mind wants to habitually focus on problems. I also suggested that she share with me something that she doesn’t have in her life right now but has always wanted to have. In other words I asked, “Is there something you would like to do with your life that you’ve always wanted to do?”

She lit up like a Christmas tree. “I’ve always wanted to make furniture!” So I asked her, “why did you choose to be a music teacher?” “Because,” she said, “I was good at it and it pays the bills so that’s what I’ve always done.”

“You know,” I said, “the vast majority of people don’t know what they want in life so they settle for whatever comes along.”

Throughout our time together I truly tried my best to be a beacon and get her headed in the right direction. I asked her to pursue her dream of becoming a furniture maker and to stop focusing on “not going blind.” Even, if she does eventually go blind I know in my heart that if she pursues her goal she will have a full life, regardless of the circumstances that surround her situation.

This is good advice. If you are not willing to go after what it is you want in life you will never truly be happy, period. We all have a purpose and it’s up to each of us to listen to our hearts and follow that purpose. Anything less is less than good enough and is a sure recipe for perpetual unhappiness.

As she thanked me for our time together I could tell that she was truly touched by my words. She had a smile on her face that was nothing short of joyous. I felt so good to have helped her. And, because I know and live the law of attraction I knew that I would be rewarded somehow, that’s just the way it works. I don’t expect it, I just know it.

The next day, I checked into a 5 star resort and a 3 room palatial hacienda for only $99 a night. A colleague had set it up and for the next 2 days I lived in the lap of luxury. Is it luck? I think not.

There is one sure way of getting more of what you want in life and that’s to help others get what they want.


The author, Paul Tobey, has a number of eBooks, audio seminars and articles on how to deal with Tinnitus. His own journey with tinnitus has taken him around the world to share his story and healing concepts with others. If you have ringing in the ears please check out his tinnitus webpage.

Resisting Fear

I am a professional speaker. That means I get paid for speaking. Sometimes I get an up front fee and other times I get nothing.

When I get nothing, it’s then my responsibility to earn money on the back-end by selling some product or service to participants in the seminar. What I’m about to share with you is of utmost importance if you are to create the life that you truly want.

Usually I speak for free. It’s far easier to get speaking engagements that way and it’s pretty obvious why. But, based on my experience I never walk away with nothing.

I deliver valuable information in the time that I have and more often than not there’s a good percentage of the audience that wants to learn more. They can do this by buying a book, an audio seminar, a 3-day intensive course or they can even buy my time.

I’ve gotten pretty good at it. Speaking I mean. After taking some public speaking courses from some experts a few years ago, I’ve honed my craft into a viable business.

But, what happened yesterday tested the limits of my patience and my sanity. The story goes like this…

Yesterday, I gave a free 4-hour internet marketing seminar for businesses in and around the Southern Ontario area. I’ve done this many times before and felt quite comfortable going into this one having had plenty of experience under my belt.

However, I came across a situation that’s never happened to me before. There were 2 people in this course, a husband and wife, who declared themselves to also be internet marketing experts and as a result were incredibly disruptive to the class.

In fact, they would not shut up. Time after time they blurted out opinions about what I was teaching. They would either agree or disagree with everything, out loud. Then whenever I challenged their knowledge, which in my humble opinion was more often wrong than right, they would literally argue with me in front of the entire room.

At one point, after a taking a break, due to sheer exhaustion, I asked everyone to pick up their belongings and move to a new seat on the opposite side of the room and to not sit beside the person they came with. Did that work? No, this couple, even though they were separated, became more vocal and more disruptive.

I remember one instance I asked the class if anyone knew the formula for discovering how many incoming links they had to their website from other sites. “Oh I do,” declared the husband in a very knowing manner.

This was my chance. I promptly handed the Flip Chart Marker to him and asked him to write the formula on the chart in front of the class. Sure enough, it was wrong. Not to mention the fact that he wrote it so small no one could even read it.

However, my delight in pointing this out was my biggest downfall. From that point onward it felt as if I no longer had the trust of my audience. I had beaten myself by revealing my ego.

Now, I usually pride myself on being a learn-it-all not a know-it-all. But, when faced with 2 know-it-alls in the same class, I lost it.

As a result of all this, I had put out such an incredible amount of negative energy that I actually made far far less sales than normal. Is it because my information had changed? No. I changed. I, in an effort to control the situation and prove my expertise, lost control.

All the way home in the car, I beat myself up. Not just for making less money, but because I had literally beaten myself. Of course it was an unusual circumstance but it was supposed to be my room. I should have been able to contain the virus… I didn’t.

So, what’s the point to all this?

As far as I see it, the point is that I still have an ego. My little voice is still telling me that there are situations to be afraid of. I was afraid that these know-it-alls would disrupt the class and the more they did, the more I was in fear.

And, fear is the easiest emotion to pick up on. When the audience sensed fear, I lost all their trust.

So it is with your tinnitus. In any situation in your life, such as tinnitus, if you have even the slightest fear of things getting worse, they usually will. If you are afraid your tinnitus will ruin your life, it will. Simple as that.

In fact, on the way home in the car I actually took the time to listen to my tinnitus. I had not noticed it in weeks, yet there it was. Why could I hear it? Because I was afraid.

Today is different. I’m back. I’m focused and I realize that I learned a valuable lesson and here it is; if I ever get a pair of know-it-alls in my class again and no matter what I do they will not stop being disruptive, I will ask everyone to take a break and I will ask the disrupters to leave.

Does that sound harsh? Maybe. But it’s better than trying to contain a negative energy that can’t be contained.


Paul Tobey is a professional speaker and a professional concert pianist. His seminars include varying topics such as; tinnitus, piano lessons, internet marketing, public speaking, train the trainer and more.

Tinnitus and the Law of Critical Mass

Anything that you’ve achieved of note so far in your life is as a result of something called creative magnetic energy that is inherent within you. This is an energy which you were born with. Your creative magnetic energy is that part of you that flows with the natural order of the universe and is designed to help you to fulfill your life’s purpose and bring you to the point that you were born and destined to do.

Yet despite this, many people are only vaguely aware of its power. In fact, if you only knew how powerful your magnetic creative energy is and always has been, you could achieve pretty much anything you set your heart and mind to doing.

It works like this; once you become aware of what you are truly meant to do in life, that’s when your creative magnetic energy takes over and as a result you become unstoppable. Once you tap into your true heart’s desire, no one or no thing can stand in your way.

Therefore, the only thing stopping you from getting what you truly want in life is you, your mind. Your mind wants to keep you where you are. In fact, your mind is controlling right now. It is controlling you so much in fact that, you are not in control. Your mind is!

How can you make this force know as creative magnetic energy work for you? Simple; by focusing on what you truly want in life instead of what you don’t want. Things like tinnitus and any other ailment or problem is only a symptom of you not focusing on what you want.

The more you focus your heart energy on something, the more it builds up to the point of critical mass and then “bam”, there it is. Once you reach the point of critical mass, you cannot help but to achieve everything and every single goal in every area of your life.

Is this an easy thing to do? No. In fact, most people are simply not aware that they even possess this power. But, if you spend as much time as possible focusing on your true heart’s desire, rather than focused on your tinnitus, then you will become aware and then you will achieve pretty much anything you want.

By focusing day after day on your tinnitus you are swimming constantly up stream. By trying to fix and heal your tinnitus you are perpetuating the very circumstances that you are trying to avoid. You must stop that. Focus only on what you want and you’ll get there.

This is the only true way to alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus. There is no real cure. Only you are the cure. Only your heart is the cure. Your heart knows what you want. Your mind does not. Your mind only wants to keep you safe. Therefore, your mind looks for anyone and anything to make it feel better about your situation. It feels that what you have right now is all you’ve got going for you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Find out what you truly want. Grant yourself the courage to go after it and your creative magnetic energy will automatically kick in. Once it has kicked in, nothing can stop you. You will be flowing with the universe instead of against it. It’s your choice.

Please be aware that your mind will try to filter what I’m telling you based on your past experiences. Why? Because that’s all the mind knows, the past. But, the mind cannot think of an infinite number of ways that what you want can come to you. Only your heart knows these things. Only your heart knows what you’re truly meant to do.

Focus your heart and mind energy on what you really really want and you cannot fail. Once you do this, the law of critical mass will kick in and you will be virtually unstoppable. You will be on the most successful journey that any human has every taken. And, it will present you with people, places and circumstances designed to get you to where you truly want to go.


Paul Tobey is a professional motivational speaker who has performed many seminars for ringing ears sufferers and is author of Tinnitus Free Living a Tinnitus Handbook Self Help Guide which helps people reduce their tinnitus volume.

Mastering Your Life and Tinnitus

Over the last several months I’ve written dozens of articles on Tinnitus. In those articles I’ve addressed everything from getting relief from tinnitus, to sleeping with tinnitus, sex and tinnitus, marriage and tinnitus and even quantum physics and tinnitus. Today is the day you get on with it and start mastering your life and your tinnitus.

I’ve said it hundreds of times before and will continue to say it. Some people wake up day after day hoping something will change, but never take any action to affect change. If you want more joy in your life, you must create joy. It will not happen to you by accident. You must take steps to create change that will allow joy to come into your life.

If you are seeking less anger in your life, less stress, or less pain, you must do something today that will allow more peace, more pleasure and more relief into your life. It’s not enough to think about it, to wish it, to hope for it. You see, hoping keeps you in the state of hoping. Wishing keeps you in the state of wishing. Thinking keeps you in the state of thinking.

There are two things you must do to attract those things you desire into your life. The first is to stay open to the opportunity you seek. Stay open to healing and open to joy. If you keep openness in your heart you will be in a state of allowing. which means allowing things to come into your life.

Most people stay closed off to such things by feeling constant anger, pain, stress, or by constantly complaining. Feeling is the key. If you constantly feel anger, you are closed off to feeling pleasure. Your feelings, your emotions expand and create more of that reality for you.

On the other hand, if you do something that makes you feel pleasure and focus on that pleasure, you are allowing pleasure to enter your reality, and that will expand. What you focus on expands. Again, your feelings are the key to creating your reality.

I used to consider myself a tinnitus patient. Hence, what expanded for me was being a tinnitus patient. I used to consider myself a tinnitus sufferer, therefore, I not only allowed more suffering to come into my life, I encouraged that simply by letting my thoughts be the pilot of my life.

If your thoughts lead to your emotions, and your emotions lead to your actions, and your actions lead to your reality, then the key to mastering your life is this; take your thoughts away from the guy now at the helm. He’s on auto pilot. You take the controls back, and you become the pilot and navigate your life.

You will not become the master of your life over night. It takes practice to become aware of your thoughts and emotions, and then choose to focus on them or not. But, I believe this with all my heart. What you focus on expands, and your emotions are the key to the ignition. Your thoughts are now on auto-pilot, yet you can take the controls back and pilot your vessel on your own. Once you do this, you are now navigating your life from your soul rather than from random thought (whatever comes into your mind). Once you practice noticing what you are thinking, you will see how repetitive your thoughts are, how useless they are and how much they sabotage your life.

It’s not positive thinking that will change your life. It’s more than that. It’s mastering your emotional controls, plus navigating your thoughts with positive intention. Will you continue to make mistakes? Sure! But, mistakes are beacons of opportunity which are intentionally put there in order for you to change your navigation and get on the right course!

So, in essence, it’s positive thinking plus positive feeling plus positive action. There is no such thing as random suffering. You can’t heal your tinnitus with the same mind that created it. You must now become a conscious participant in your life. Change your thoughts and change your emotions and your tinnitus will change.


Paul Tobey is a professional motivational speaker who has performed many seminars for ringing ears sufferers and is author of Tinnitus Free Living a Tinnitus Handbook Self Help Guide which helps people reduce their tinnitus volume.

Tinnitus – Understanding Your Point of Power

When you understand where and when to concentrate your power of focus you can create just about anything in your life – including ridding yourself of tinnitus.

Time is an illusion. Einstein once said, “No matter how persistent the illusion of time, it is still and illusion.” Time is a trickster. The biggest trick that times plays on us is to make us believe that it’s real.

You see, the reasoning conditioned mind needs structure to base its conclusions or judgments on. Therefore it sees time as the flow between past and future events. It bases decisions about the future on past occurrences. However, when you understand that there is no past and no future and that all there is, is now. Then and only then do you have the power to choose and change your present reality.

If you don’t believe me that there isn’t a past or a future, try doing something tomorrow right now. Or, try doing something a week ago right now. Anything that has ever happened and ever will happen will happen in the now. Now is all we have and therefore we can only make decisions and take action now. Yet, unfortunately so few humans truly understand this simple universal truth.

How does knowing that we only have the now help us? It helps us because the now is our point of power. It helps us to know that if we can free ourselves from the past and stop worrying about the future then and only then do we have the power to take the right kind of action in the present moment.

Most people, including tinnitus sufferers, focus on what’s happened in the past. In other words, they play victim to tinnitus. By focusing on what’s happened to them in the past and blaming someone or something for their tinnitus, they literally have no power to fix it. Dwelling on past occurrences can only keep your mind focused on what it sees as past failures or mistakes. Then, it makes decisions based on those mistakes to leverage a better future.

The only problem with leveraging your future is that first of all that there isn’t one, there is only the now. And secondly, if you’re always looking to feel better in the future, once you’ve healed, then you’re missing your entire life due to the fact that now is all there is.

While this may make little sense the first time you hear it, I can assure you that what I say is correct and truthful. Again, if you don’t believe me then like I said before, try doing something tomorrow. You can’t.

If we truly understand that now is all we have then we can take positive steps toward changing our present reality. Focusing on the past and worrying about the future can only serve to keep you where you are at. This is insanity.

What should we be doing in the now? Once you focus all your energy in the present moment you will realize that all you can do is start to live. Life is not about struggle. It is about getting the things and situations you want without having to fight, resist, worry and force. In fact if you are fighting your present reality then you’re doing it wrong.

Choose people, situations and events that help you to see that life is good. All we truly want is to be happy. Yet, we can’t because the situations we want, such as no tinnitus, hasn’t happened yet. But, if you keep focusing on what you don’t have you will get more of the same. If you focus on the now and reach for the highest thought in the moment you will attract the life you’ve always wanted; a life without struggle, pain, worry, fear, doubt and most of all without tinnitus.

How do I know this to be true? My tinnitus was as bad as it can get. But, once I focused all my energy on my present reality everything changed for the better; my marriage, my bank account, my success and most of all my tinnitus. This is truly tinnitus free living.


Paul Tobey is a professional concert pianist and motivational speaker who has performed many seminars for ringing ears sufferers and is author of Tinnitus Free Living a Tinnitus Handbook Self Help Guide which helps people reduce their tinnitus volume. To download Paul’s latest seminar please here – tinnitus treatment.

Tinnitus Forces You to Learn

Do you know the main reason why most people don’t get the results they desire? It’s because they don’t follow through on anything long enough to get the desired effect. They give up before they reach their goal because it’s either too hard, takes too long or it’s too much trouble.

How can anyone ever hope to get what they want in life if they keep giving up and making excuses why they couldn’t follow through? For example; did you know that on a very regular basis I have people who, after downloading my “Practical Guide to Tinnitus Free Living” package, they email me, often within a week, and say that it doesn’t work for them?

Well, I can honestly say that the reason it didn’t work for them is that these people have obviously decided on some sort of time frame that it’s supposed to work. Life doesn’t work like that. Any worthwhile result is worth a consistent amount of positive doing until the result is achieved. Giving up before you achieve it just means that you’ve learned to accept a life that is created by default.

How can anyone say that something doesn’t work if they only give it a couple of days? What I offer in my teachings is help for tinnitus sufferers but it’s also an entirely new way of living. To re-learn how to live after so many years of suffering is not an easy thing to do but, it is possible. Yet, because tinnitus sufferers are so conditioned to expect the worst they usually get it. Their fear, worry and doubt about everything keeps them where they are.

I’m speaking from experience when I say these things. I think I hold the world’s record for fear and worry. I used to worry about everything then, one day, I got tinnitus and my world changed forever. At first I blamed the world for giving me this disease but after almost 3 years of struggle I realized that I only have myself to blame.

The simple truth is, somehow I consciously or unconsciously invited, attracted and allowed tinnitus into my life. How? Through the law of attraction. By focusing entirely on fear and worry I managed to manifest the very thing I was trying to avoid.

Everything in my life at the time I contracted tinnitus was going wrong. It only stands to reason that something as devastating as tinnitus would eventually show up. However, I now regularly thank the universe for giving me tinnitus instead of cancer or some other more serious disease. Tinnitus allowed me to see life in a whole new way without the threat of losing it.

Did it take work on my part to change my life situation? Yes, of course. It took a lot of work. And, my intention with my teachings is to shorten your learning curve on how to get what you want in your life instead of what you don’t want. Yet, it still amazes me that even after compiling to the best of my ability the information that people need, they still manage to dismiss it after only a few days.

What exactly am I trying to say? That anything worthwhile in life is worth a certain amount of effort and a detachment from the amount of time you think it will take to get the result you want. Think about it this way; if everything you ever wanted was handed to you on a silver platter without any effort, just exactly what would be the point to life? What would you learn?

Tinnitus is a learning experience. It will teach you many things about yourself and about life if you’re just open to learning. Learning is the key to living. Granted, you may not want to learn the lessons that tinnitus can teach you but rest assured, these lessons are the key to manifesting a life of true happiness. These lessons will force you to focus on living instead of suffering.

As I’ve said many times before, there is no mysterious force in the universe that causes random suffering. You must choose whether to wallow in grief and despair or step up to the plate, learn something then, empower your life on a level that’s deeper than anything you’ve encountered in the past. Getting in touch with your true purpose is the only way to true happiness. Tinnitus can actually force you into learning what that purpose is. Accept it, and run with it.

Paul Tobey is a professional concert pianist and motivational speaker who has performed many seminars for ringing ears sufferers and is author of Tinnitus Free Living a Tinnitus Handbook Self Help Guide which helps people reduce their tinnitus volume. To download Paul’s latest seminar please here – tinntius treatment.